Friday, February 29, 2008

Continuing to originate and initiate the overdue argument on key issues affecting society in the inner cities in the UK today.

AADHIKARonline, London UK, on Friday 29 February 2008
Editor©Muhammad Haque

Continuing to originate and initiate the overdue argument on key issues affecting society in the inner cities in the UK today. Among those items and matters that must be addressed in the Britain on the last day of the ‘romantic’ [as in 'rare'!] second month of the year 2008 in the European calendar are listed the following. These are scheduled to be expanded on and added to on this site and on the associated AADHIKAR Media web sites and web pages during Friday 29 February 2008: -

1. The poverty of the once ‘prudent’ [really? When was Gordon Brown EVER truthfully prudent?] Gordon Brown as he is given yet another page-full spin by the Thatcher-worshipping, Thatcher-revivalist ‘Daily Mail’ [Friday 29 February 2008] on a day that ‘news’ breaks about the bizarre decision by Brown’s regime to make thousands of ‘properly employed’ [cf,] people at the UK state Welfare [war-on-the-impoverished and the war-for-creating poverty] Ministry known now-a-days as the ‘Department for Work and Pensions’ [=’DWP’] jobless…. The really serious, mega-bucks Benefit Fraud as practised by Gordon Brown …and the robbery of £Billions of public money by the shifty little army of careerists as ministers and consultants that has been in place and as installed at the DWP since 2 May 1997….
2. Further exposing the emptiness of the very vain and the very empty Veronica Wadley [‘editor’ of the ‘London’ ‘EVENING STANDARD’], the most prejudiced and ignorant ‘editor’ of a ‘mainstream’ ‘British media’ ‘title’ albeit based in the ‘London region’. How Wadley has aided and abetted – and is aiding and abetting ‘Undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone in Livingstone’s lying offences as a Big Business tout over-spinning the crass project Crossrail. Why Veronica Wadley is herself operating a brazenly lying agenda promoting Ken Livingstone on every single occasion and aspect concerning ‘Crassrail', at a time when her own title ['EVENING {standardless} STANDARD’, London commuters!] is also carrying almost consistent items [since 5 December 2007] exposing some of Livingstone’s general unaccountability, lack of transparency, lack of respect for the ordinary people of London, lack of respect for the public resources over which he has the Tony Bliar-presented powers, Livingstone’s untrustworthiness, unreliability, untruthfulness and corruption and abuse of office….
3. How the many lies for the ‘London Crossrail’ scam as uttered, retailed, repeated, peddled and exhibited via the Big business tout Ken Livingstone have been allowed to remain unchanged by ALL the ‘mainstream’ media in Britain whose editorial decisions have been on this issue made as if they were complying with a sort of D-Notice! To maintain HUSH on all evidence that point to and show up the crassness, the absurdity, the unconstitutionality, and the uneconomics of the CRoSSRAIL hole plan…
4. Whither the ‘British media’? Is the ‘Daily Mail’ sinking under the weight of its own immorality dressed up as an almost acceptable Gordon Brown when Brown has exposed his own naked ambition and lack of ethical prudence?
5. Does the UK ‘House of Commons’ [the so-called legitimate part of the two-part ‘British Parliament] deserve to be shielded from liability in morality, ethics and decency? Who has decided that banishing ethics from the ‘Palace of Westminster’ is in keeping with Gordon Brown’s slogan as uttered imperialistically during his ‘succeeding trip’ to the continent of Africa? ‘Succeeding’ as in succeeding Tony Blair into No 10 Downing Street.

[To be continued]

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